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Although this is a free website you can see a pricing page on our website where we explain all features shortly. But in this article, we will disclose all the details of the features so that you can understand well our pricing details and can make a decision on what package is preferred for you.

Features of Free Package:

Here you can get the full details of every single feature we have.


Here support means, when you add any listing on our website or you have any problem with this website we are with you all the time. Just contact us on our mail and we will hear from you.

Unlimited Listing:

Here listing means the number of posts you are about to upload on our website. Suppose you have 15 hotels or outlets in the United States. you can post all of your business on our website. In a free listing Package, you can post unlimited listings with a lot of features that make your brand separate from others. You can also learn how to post for free on Mappians to increase your knowledge about posting on our website.

Claim your business:

When you see your hotel or restaurant or any other property listed by others you can claim it easily by clicking claim on that particular listing. When you click to claim it will tell you to write something to us, as you have to write why you feel this is your business! (You must log in). Then we can reply to you in your mail to know if it is really your business or not. We can ask your social media or business mail to check original claimer is asking for his property or not. We can message you on your business domain email “” or on any social media to verify. After all of this, You can claim your business and all leads directly come to your mail as a private message.

Get leads by mail:

There are two options for mail one is visible to others that you can use in a free account another one is a private message, When people message you that will go directly to your mail with listing details. You can also use this feature for free but if your property is already added by others you have to claim for using this feature.

Get reviews:

You can get reviews from anyone based on food, service, value, ambiance & satisfaction so that other people will trust you well.

Automatic Renew:

We have the option to set the expiry date of any listing but we provide all users with automatic renewal. So don’t worry your listing will be live forever in a free account.

No expiration:

As we said above, the listing won’t be expired.

No Commission:

We don’t take any commission from you.

No percentage:

We don’t keep any percentage on any kind of account.

Private message:

If you claim or open an account with your mail you will get a private message option. If someone sends you a message it will go directly to your mail and you can communicate with your clients there easily. You can also get this option after claiming your property for free.

Listing subtitle:

You can set subtitles along with your main title in any kind of account for free.


You can set your exact location so that people can visit you after seeing your full address.


people can see you on the map and by clicking directions on the map they can reach you easily.

Tagline or slogan:

If you have any tagline or slogan you can set it here for free.

Listing regions:

In which country, state, county, or city your business is located you can set it easily so that people can search you by area or postal code or near an address.

Listing categories:

You can set categories so that people can get your business according to their category and what they are looking for.

Listing amenities:

You can set all your amenities here such as parking, wifi, balcony, etc. as people also search for amenities.

Operation hours:

Operation hours help to find out which business is closed or open at a particular time so that it will be hassle hassle-free situation if someone visits you.

Price range:

From which price to which price you have products in your business so that people can understand your pricing style according to their budget.

Average price:

From this point, people can clarify the exact average price of the product or service you listed.

Main image:

You can set a main image for your product so that people can be attracted to you by seeing your featured images.

Listing Logo:

You can also set your logo to enhance your brand awareness.

Images to the gallery:

You can set up to 5 images so that people can see your property.


You can set your mobile number so that people can reach you on your number.

What’s app:

It’s a great way of communicating you may not be available all the time in the mail but if you set up what’s app you can reach your clients easily.

Big button:

You will get a customizable big button where you have to put the official website label and links. This button will redirect to your website. Thus you can generate income with your property. After claiming your business you are allowed to change the label button from to Official website. If you purchase a premium account you can customize this button with other label text such as Book Now, Buy Now, Get Offers, Order now, Make reservation etc.

Fast trending:

When you are most viewed, most saved & most reviewed by your customers you will get a trending badge in your listing. Free users can get this badge if they advertise their listing outside. Trending also depends on a lot of factors. First of all marketing and exposure, reviews, and then saved or views also have many factors that are hidden from you so that free users can also trend as fast as possible It can enhance the user experience. The user always chooses trending products or properties which is currently the most popular and it will depend on your advertising skill to trend. So Trend your business by advertising to get more targeted customers and it decreases competition. Users prefer to search for trending hotels, and resort restaurants as natural and trending is not possible automatically, it takes hard work.

You can also use our featured ads package to trend fast where you will get more views, saved, and reviews which attract you to click more as it will be at the top. If you are a free user we suggest you post featured ads instead of old posts that you have free features only. If you post again you will get premium features as well with your featured ads. But if you are a premium feature user who claimed his business, We suggest you feature existing posts instead of creating new featured ads, Because it will also help to trend your post and it will be wise to promote existing posts as you already have some views, saved, reviews on your existing listing and when it will be boosted it gets more engagement that helps you to trend.

Video & Other media:

You can add video and other media like hotel reviews, resort reviews, video galleries, Highlights, etc.

Virtual tour 360 degrees:

You can set up a 360-degree virtual tour if you have any. just share the link and your 360 tour is ready.


All users can set website links. But it should be better to have a root domain.

Social networks:

Another charming option is social media, You can set your all social media here so that people can visit your other channels & follow you there as well.

Featured Ads:

Featured means your post will be sticky on the front page or category page, on other listings pages. In short, your visibility will be awesome and different from others with a specific ad icon. You can grab more leads with this feature. In a free account, it is not available but if you purchase 5 days of featured ads, you can post again with all features on your featured listing. After 5 days it will expire then If you want to continue ads, you don’t have to create ads again, just pay us and post from your draft where the expired listing is already saved. (You can also buy monthly featured ads to save time) (You can also tell us to feature your property, We can also feature your existing listing with a single click as it will be wise to promote existing posts as you already have some views, saved, and reviews on your existing listing and when it will be boosted it gets more engagement that helps you to trend.)

If you have any questions regarding pricing and features you can contact us on our mail