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If you are new to and want to post your property or anything here, You can do it on your own by following some steps. Today I am going to explain how to post for free on You can post hotels, resorts, Restaurants, Shops, Businesses & so on.

How to Post Free On Mappians

I am going to explain some easy steps here so that you can post your property successfully.

Step 1:

Register on Mappians

  • Then click on the register
  • Write your username and Email
  • Then You will receive a confirmation message in your mail
  • Click Confirm & Change your Password

Now your account has been created. You can also post directly by clicking on add listing but later it needs information. So it is better to register earlier. After registering you can change your password by visiting your account after login on Mappians.

Step 2:

Add Listing

Now it’s time to add your property. You can easily add your property by clicking on add a listing. Then It needs to click on packages. Choose a free package if you want to make your property accessible.

  • Click add listing
  • Select free package
  • Make sure you already sign in
  • Used default email (If it is checked you don’t have to provide your email as the email you used at the time of sign-up will show on frontend)
  • Disabled private message (If you don’t want any message in your mail from your customers, You can check it)
  • Provide user-friendly titles for your products or properties.
  • Write a subtitle that is related to your title.
  • Location – Give a full address of your location
  • Click the advanced field of location if you see your property pin on the map is not an exact location where you want, To point an exact location you can use Force Custom Latitude & Longitude. (You can find your Latitude & Longitude on Google Maps by clicking right on a pin of Google Maps you will see Latitude & Longitude or you can just click on any area of the map to see the Latitude & Longitude of that particular location. (Only use this if you see your property is not exactly located on Mappians to force adjustment).
  • You may have your Tagline or Slogan just write in this section.
  • Select your listing region (currently you can select country name only as a region and states of United States like New York, California, etc.)
  • Listing Amenity – If you have amenities or facilities on your property you can select all of them such as parking swimming pool etc.
  • Select your category (You can select only one category such as hotel, resort, shop, business, etc.)
  • Big Button (official website – appointment method) – You can paste your website page external link here with a custom label name such as the official website so that people can visit your website and Book or purchase your product easily
  • Write a description so that people can know more about your listing.
  • Customize a short description (skip it)
  • Check your hours & times of availability and closed days.
  • Price range minimum and maximum price of your room or products so that people can understand it is cheap or expensive.
  • Provide the most popular price or average price from the price range
  • Give a main image under 5 MB
  • List your logo image
  • Images to the gallery – You can add 5 images to the free account
  • Add all social media accounts so that people can visit your social profiles
  • Separate website link field to make visits to customers (only root domain example:
  • Give your Mobile and What’s up number with your country code.
  • Click I accept terms and conditions
  • Click submit a listing and you are done.

An admin or moderator will review your post and approve your post within 24 hours (72 hours in rare cases) If there is any problem check your mail. We will update you with helpful information to approve your listing.


If you need any help at the time of posting you can email us at

we will hear you as soon as possible. Suppose your category is not available on our website we will create it for you after determining if it is a helpful field for other sellers or users as well.